I had a recent experience that brought to my attention something that seems at the very least shady, and at the most illegal. I am curious to know what others might think about this.
As I've said I have been driving back and forth up to Napa for work. My route takes me across the Benicia/Martinez toll bridge. You can buy a "FastTrack" sticker so you don't have to stop every time, but I don't have one. So every morning I would stop at the booth, hand the worker my $5 and request a receipt. You don't just get a receipt, you have to ask for it. (I keep my receipts because I get reimbursed by my work.)
Anyway, a couple weeks ago I get a letter in the mail from Fast Track saying that I "evaded the toll", and was being fined $25 on top of the $5 toll. On the citation was a blown up photo of my license plates as "proof" of my crime. There was no picture of my car, or anything that could be used to indicate which lane I was in. Luckily I had my receipt, because how else would I have been able to prove my innocence? And that is what is bothering me.
Suppose I (like most people) hadn't gotten a receipt? What would my options have been other than to pay the fine? I know I didn't evade the toll, but there would have been no way to prove it. And who would go through the hassle of trying for $30?
If Fast Track sends out 15 errant citations a day (for each major bridge in the Bay Area) and 10 of the accused evaders doesn't have their receipt, FT is receiving over $650,000 a year from innocent people. And most people probably just pay it because they think to themselves "What can I do? Besides it's only $30, it's not like I am going to hire a lawyer."
I can't help but think something is wrong with the way Fast Track is doing business. What do you think?
Photo is of Benicia/Martinez Bridge with fog bank in the background.
Very good catch sister. I think that is very shady. I know that I would be pissed, but in the end I would probably pay is because like you said, it is only $30. If they are doing this on purpose, that is a pretty slick move, you have to give that to them.