

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Really Tebow?

This is the first of probably many rants I will have concerning Tim Tebow. And surprisingly  it has nothing to do with the fact that he is a less than mediocre quarterback.
So what has my panties in a ruffle? It's his repeated, obnoxious, and overly religious comments and displays, that in my opinion, have no place in football.
I know what you're thinking. It's his right to "thank his lord and savior Jesus Christ" for the overtime win against the San Diego Chargers. But I have rights too. And it's my right to roll my eyes every time I see his face, call him a tool, and question his religious convictions.
I get that lots of NFL players believe in God. Even our beloved Packers QB Aaron Rodgers gives a little point to God after particularly good plays (which annoys me to no end... I much prefer the "championship belt"). But to thank God for a touchdown is utterly ridiculous. Just assuming for a second that God is real, you are still left with having to decide whether God tunes in to Football Sunday (ironically double booking church), or not. Either way someone looks like an idiot. If God doesn't interfere with pass protection, and play calling, then the devotee is dumb for assuming that God doesn't have better things to do with his omnipotence. If  God does interfere,....well... then I ask you what kind of God uses His powers for influencing the outcome of sporting events? Sounds shady doesn't it?  Like some scheme Zeus would use to trick some pretty cheerleader into sleeping with him.
This week in his interview after the Broncos Chargers game Tebow thanked Jesus repeatedly for the win. And I guess that's OK, if that's what he really believes. But with that comes a few disturbing implications that I think need explanations.
Number one: If God helped Tebow win, then He also let the Chargers loose. Presumably there are many God fearing Christians that play for San Diego. So what does God have against Norv Turner and the Chargers? Does Jesus not like Philip Rivers? Does God not care that Norv Turner will probably get fired after this season because He keeps helping the other teams win?
Second: God also must have had a hand in firing Kyle Orton (who was the starting quarterback this year for Denver)? Why did God fire Orton? What did Orton do to deserve loosing his job to someone less skilled? Did he say he didn't want Jesus as his co-pilot? I thought Jesus was BFF's with everybody?
Third:  Why is God helping Tebow win football games, but allowing innocent children in Somalia slowly starve to death? (And while I'm joking around about the above, I do not consider this to at all be a humorous or laughing matter.) Are God and Jesus just bad at prioritizing, or do they really think Tebow's T-bow is so much more special than hungry, dying babies that they use their unlimited time contriving ways to help him win football games. Is Tebow really so arrogant as to believe that? Is anyone so arrogant as to believe that? If the poor kids and families suffering in sickness and misery had Proverbs 22:9 on their forehead would Jesus help them then? Or better yet, would Tebow?

I'm tired of people being able to spout stupid things without consequence because they say it in the name of religion. So please, Tim, unless you have reasonable answers to any of these questions, spare me the "I thank Jesus" stuff and just play football.

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