Yesterday was Halloween. Normally I'm a big fan of holidays, but for some reason other than the dressing up, Halloween just doesn't do much for me. Maybe it's because I never did it as a kid, so I don't even have the warm fuzzy feeling of acquiring a hoard of candy from perfect strangers for free. Maybe it's because I'm not into scary/gross looking things like chainsaw murderers and severed heads. I mean if I'm going to spend money on decorations I want them to be pretty and happy, not looking like they've been pulled out of a dumpster by homicide detectives. Yuck. Anyway, to not be a total party pooper, I do like the "3 year old" version of Halloween, i.e. cute jack-o-lanterns and dressing up as furry animals etc.
But anyway last night, I decided to stay in and...hide from trick-or-treaters instead of dressing up and facing the crowds. Lol. Not very festive I know. But we didn't get any trick or treaters last year, and I'd purchase two bags of candy which I ended up eating half of, so this year I thought I'd just buy no candy and hide.
I often light candles around the house, but rarely do I ever actually only have candle light to see by with all the other lights off. It was a cozy sort of experience albeit difficult from a practical standpoint. It's surprising how thoroughly a little flame can take the edge off the darkness. Even one candle can cheer things up dramatically. It's comforting in a sort of instinctual way. It got me thinking about the olden days, before electricity. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of electricity, and technology and flushing toilets and all of that, but I think there are trade offs for those things that we aren't even aware of anymore. I mean, we don't even experience nighttime really. We just extend the day with lights inside our homes until we are ready to go to sleep. But last night almost felt like camping. I could feel it getting darker and darker out. It was pretty cool.
Anyway, I really enjoyed my quiet night at home, and even though I didn't go anywhere, it actually felt like one of the most Halloweeny Halloweens ever! It was dark and windy and a little rainy out, and kind of spooky, but also bewitching.
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