

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

FINALLY Finished!

Dropping off my signed thesis!
Well, it only took five years, but I finally finished my thesis! I'd like to say it was a great experience (and the actual field work was) but mostly it was frustrating and exasperating. I felt the pressure to get it done, but most of the time I was helpless to make it go faster. I was stuck between a rock and a hard place as it were. No pun intended. But it's done, it's over, and I have a Masters Degree in Geology. I wish I felt happy about it, but at the moment all I feel is relieved. So...wheeew.
What was my thesis title?
Incorporation of Host Rock Blocks During the Growth of the Aztec Wash Pluton, Eldorado Mountains, Nevada.
The final FINAL document!
What was it about?
How magma bodies move through the crust, specifically whether or not they utilize the mechanism of stoping (downward transfer of host rocks through a magma chamber), and whether there was geochemical evidence of assimilation of blocks in the Aztec Wash pluton specifically.
Is there anything else you need to know about it?

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