However, besides the calf roping the thing that actually offended me the most was the (pardon my language) douchbag (is that one word or 2?) rodeo announcer. If he is what is meant by "American" values then I am moving to Canada. He was the most ignorant, sexist, nonsensical man and I could barely believe he was allowed to speak, much less into a microphone over a loud speaker. And boy could that man talk. It's like they say "he who has the least to say always ends up talking the longest". I can't even list all of the stupid things that man said because there are too many.
But he covered all the basic points: religion, politics, sex and culture. He made a point of proclaiming that "his" Savior was Jesus Christ and told us if we don't get saved we are going to hell which brought him to his next point, his support of the war and our troops over seas (he then led a prayer for our brothers among the those that God abandoned). A while later he informed us of a woman's "proper" place (Oh yes, and I am being totally serious!). Somewhere in there he spoke of getting back to our "roots", and a simpler, American way of life, and how technology, development and industry is "ruining our great country". He made ridiculous claims like cattle ranching is crucial to preserving the natural California environment, but criticized environmental groups that were apparently doing studies on waterborne illness from ranches and the effects on indigenous life. He spoke about family values and giving our children opportunity for a good life and in the next breath made racist comments about the Mexicans who come here and work for almost nothing to support their families. He had very strong words to say about dishonest "people" (which I can only assume includes all foreigners) trying to come into our country and take away "honest" American jobs.
It's outrageous to me that people really think a homogeneous culture, religious intolerance and going back to the days of outhouses and wiping our asses with leaves is what constitutes American values! Are we even talking about the same country? Because that's not the American I know and love. Seriously! I felt like I has stepped back in time.It was absolutely shocking.
I get why some people love the idea of a "cowboy" lifestyle; simple, hard working, lots of dirt and horse apples, and sleeping out under the stars. Except for the poop, that idea appeals to me too sometimes. But that doesn't mean that I believe my place is in the kitchen, or at the mall or "at a husbands side". Or that I am OK to give up the internet, or check the weather on my phone, or get medical attention at a state-of-the-art hospital when I need it. And it certainly does not mean I think anyone who believes different than me or speaks another language should be banished from the country. In fact I consider that last idea specifically anti-American.
I don't want to lump all cow-people together and say that they all think like that announcer did because that would be stereotyping, and very unscientific of me. But if I was asked to form a hypothesis I will say that based on the fact that no one else at the rodeo seemed outraged by the man's idiotic comments there is a good chance that the majority of rodeo-folk agree with his...arcane philosophy. And that, to me, is an incredible thing to consider.
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