

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


It occurred to me, while writing my last blog that it may be worth while to address the method, and reasoning I will be using to present my thoughts on scientific matters. I by no means consider myself an expert on anything besides being a human female. And most of my information (on pure scientific data) will have come from my reading of some or another text whether it be a book, or an article, or whatever. I realize that in writing about science references are very important in that they provide verification and a means for any one individual to form their own opinion. But I also realize what writing a scientific paper (with appropriate references) is like. And I can tell you from experience it isn't fun. So as I stated earlier, I will, when I can provide resources for further reading, but I will not do so in every instance. Nor will I quote and reference everything I read and discuss. I would have joined a science forum if that were the case. Having said that though I will try my best to differentiate between my own ideas, and the ideas of others. It is not my intention to steal ideas or "appear" to be more thoughtful or insightful than I am.
One of the great things about writing a blog is that readers have the opportunity to comment, and I hope you will feel free to do so. Upon request I will search out my sources or provide additional information if needed. Otherwise I will function on the assumption that everyone is ok with the fact that when I say "I read..." that I actually did, that I am not lying, and that I am not trying to push some hidden agenda on anyone. And likewise my opinions are just that. My posts will represent my personal view and my thoughts on whatever it is I write about, but nothing more. Science is science, an my point of view is my point of view.
Secondarily, I need to point out that a lot of what I will probably write about scientifically is often too complicated to explain completely in a blog. I will cover and address what I think is necessary to make my post make sense, but I won't go into every aspect of every topic I discuss. The truth is for ever subject you can think of there are probably hundreds of texts written about it, and I don't have the time or energy (nor the knowledge) to explain them all. Again though, as a reader, if you feel the need to clarify something, or point out something I have overlooked feel free to do so. I will respond accordingly.
In the end I am just a girl who reads a lot, is amazed by a lot, and thinks a lot about random stuff that no one I know is really interested in. I have no motive in my writing or in my "blogging" (as it were) other than a simple desire to share what I think about life. I am not trying to convince anyone of anything. I don't need to be agreed with. I am just me, and I just like to think and read and write.
I hope that I have been clear enough in stating my position on these matters. As a scientist I feel that this disclosure is necessary, but from now on I shall proceed in the manner that assumes these issues have been addressed.

1 comment:

  1. You may want to look into imbedding links as a way to make quick references to informational pages or news stories on the internet.
