

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I love football! I am more of an NFL follower than college football, but that's mostly because I can only dedicate a certain number for hours a week to football (during the season) and I wouldn't get a thing done on the weekends if I tried to watch them all. Anyway, it's the off season now, and that's always a sad time of year for me. A lot of my friends just roll their eyes and sigh at my enthusiasm for the game, and call me "obsessed", but I don't think I am. I just really enjoy it. I like watching the games, I like learning the strategy, and I even like reading about it.
I also like talking about it, which is why I included it in the title of page, or whatever this thing is.
"My" team is the Green Bay Packers. Yep, I am a "Packer Backer" as they say. It is my dad's team, and now it's mine too. And as I am sure will become painfully obvious in the future, I have a lot to say about football and the Pack...but I thought it might be a good idea, up front, to sort of post this as a bit of explanation for having the word football in the title of my blog.

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