

Monday, March 7, 2011

Too Many Books, Not Enough Time

My skipping around from book to book has gotten out of control. I am concurrently reading:
Return to Yellowstone (re-introduction of wolves)
The Demon Haunted World (Carl Sagan)
Instant Replay (about the Packers 1967 season)
Mark Twain's autobiography
and Lawrence Taylor's autobiography (linebacker in the 80's)!
It's getting a little confusing, but the reason I have so many books going at the same time is because of the different locations where I read, and my corresponding moods. If I'm at the gym for example, the Mark Twain book is way too big and heavy to hold in one hand (or two for that matter) while jogging. Or the paperback books don't stay open on the kitchen table when I read while eating breakfast or dinner, so I opt for something in hardback. If I am feeling like reading something equivalent to watching TV (or if I want to watch TV but nothing is on) I read my football books. They're light, and interesting, and generally easy reads. If I am feeling particularly alert I'll tackle my more scientifically based books. And that's how I roll.
But seriously, I need to get through these soon or I'll never remember enough to post a scintillating review of each of them!
Not that I have any shortage of books to read, but has anyone read anything really interesting lately they'd like to pass along? Let me know! I'm a sucker for a new book!

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