

Thursday, April 18, 2013

A Crepe Birthday

My friend Daniel celebrated his birthday last Friday. So we had a get together at my house. It was mostly the old Bean Team (all the people that lived in our house on Bean Ave), and my mom was there too. I wanted to make him a birthday cake, but he is literally the best baker I know, and the idea of making him a cake that he could make better was not very appealing. So I did something totally different, that he would never make, in hopes that it would be a fun departure from what he's used to. So....I made a cake out of crepes!
Not to brag, but I do make a pretty mean crepe. My aunt in France gave me some great pointers last time I was there, and I have finally acquired a "feel" for making them. My grand creation was a strawberry and Nutella layered crepe cake, with home made bourbon caramel sauce, and home made Irish coffee (made with whiskey, creme, and coffee) ice cream on top. The only hiccup was that I didn't know you aren't supposed to refrigerate Nutella, but luckily mom came to the rescue and fixed it while I made crepes. It's a tough cake in the sense that you can't really make it ahead of time (I did a test run a couple days before, and it tasted no-so-great after it had been in the frig overnight). It needs to be fresh, so I had to make it right then. But it didn't take too long, and it was fun to put it together.
For what it lacked in finished appearance, I think it made up for in flavor. And best of all, I think Daniel liked it:) I don't have a picture of the sliced cake from the actual birthday, so I am showing a slice of the "prototype" I did a couple days before. It wasn't as good, and the caramel was grainy, but it will give you an idea. The final product was much better;)

1 comment:

  1. Looks very good! I did a birthday breakfast for farmer Carroll one year and made his cake out of stacked pancakes (they pile up nice and evenly) with raspberry jam between the layers and cream cheese frosting over the whole thing. Looked just like a real cake and was a big hit. Oh, and easy. Glad you had fun.
