

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

9 Gets a 1 out of 10

It is astonishing what passes for kid's movies these days. I practically had nightmares last night after watching the movie 9. (It's one of those digitally animated cartoons.) It was so scary! They showed corpses of humans littered throughout a post-apocalyptic city destroyed by and army of machines. This includes a dead mother holding her dead baby in a pick up truck. An odd choice I thought.
The main characters are little burlap covered robot men crudely assembled with numbers on their back (which represent aspects of the soul of the scientist who created them and that he infused with their bodies), and a giant machine with a red eye that reminds me of The Lord of the Rings, that makes other machines to hunt and kill the little burlap guys.
One of these other machines had a doll heads with the lower jaw missing and one red eye and the body of snake! Can it get any scarier than that? It was like Chucky on a serpent body. Truly frightening I tell you! Is that something you would want a kid to see? Is that something YOU want to see?
On top of that most of the 9 burlap guys do die, by having their life sucked out of their mouth and eyeballs by a flashing light on the machine. (I get the shivers just thinking about it).
Anyway my point is, it was absolutely inappropriate for kids, and most adults too for that matter. It was scary, it wasn't funny at all, it was depressing, AND the story line was weak, and poorly thought out. I guess they were trying to make a point about technology, but I am not sure. Maybe they were trying to make a kids version of the Terminator? Anyway, terrible movie! Don't see it with kids!


  1. I think we have to stop associating animated features with kids movies. I haven't seen it yet but I don't think it was intended for kids (it was rated pg-13). I think my first hint was that it has Coheed and Cambria for some of their music. They don't make too much happy up lifting music. But aside from the fact that it wasn't kid friendly it was bad anyway huh? That is disappointing. But I really think that the animated stuff is really starting to be used for more adult films now. I am not sure how I feel about it yet, but I think I might be open to it.

  2. It was pretty depressing to be honest...very dreary, and blah. And I didn't catch the PG-13 rating. That's good I guess. Seriously tho I had fewer nightmares after watching The Terminator.
