

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Long Story Short

Do you ever find yourself doing weird things that don't make sense even to you? And then do you wonder why you keep doing it over and over even after you know it doesn't make sense?
Well, that's my situation with my hair. It's pretty long, and for the most part it is just a huge pain in the ass. I never fix it because then I would have to get up at like 5:00 in the morning everyday, and I am just waaay to lazy for that. Long hair is awful at the gym too because it's hot, and then I have to wash it every day, which is time consuming. I have probably spent a month washing my hair, and $1000 on conditioner over the past ten years (I could take a trip to Hawaii for $1000!) . It's all work and no fun. So my locks, for the most part, spend their miserable, split-ended existence all scrunched up in a pony tail holder at the back of my head. So you might think why not just cut it and avoid the hassle?
I will tell you why. It's because soon the thought of cutting it crosses my mind, my hair suddenly becomes my favorite thing IN THE UNIVERSE and I just can't part with it. The tangles, and HOURS of brushing are forgotten, and all I have is the happy memory of how nice it looked that one time six months ago when I actually took the time to blow dry it.
Once (sometimes twice) a year I am confronted with this situation. I get so fed up with my hair that I make an appointment for a cut and tell myself This is it! I am gonna do it! Then once I am there in the chair I panic and my palms get sweaty and I just can't go through with it. I can't stomach the thought of chopping it off. It feels wrong, like killing a puppy or wearing two different shades of brown in the same outfit. So I end up spending $50 getting 1/4 inch taken off the bottom. Afterward I feel relieved. Yay, my long hair has been saved! Then while I am driving home from the salon I end up throwing it into a pony tail because it's hot, and annoying me, and flying everywhere because the window is rolled down. And the cycle begins anew.
I have done this literally for years. It doesn't make an ounce of sense, but there you have it.


  1. If you want, next time I visit I could just make a "chink" with a buzzer while you're sleeping. Haha, then you cut it, or walk around with a bald spot ...

  2. I want to cut my hair, not shave my head! As a follow up I have done my hair every day this week! We'll see how long it lasts...

  3. As a follow up to the last one, it lasted 11 days.
