

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Brussels Sprouts

I hate Brussels sprouts....or I used to. But my mom made them once this last fall, and they turned out pretty good. I still can't eat the middle part. It's too bitter, but the larger outside leaves are actually pretty delicious. It turns out that I'm what's called a "super taster", which explains my aversion to things like the middle part of Brussels sprouts and sauerkraut. It also explains why I am picky about amounts and kinds of seasonings on my foods. It's not that I can't eat just about everything, it's just that I notice flavors in foods that many people don't. But anyway, back to the sprouts. Since my discovery that I actually like them, I've made them several times. It's been pretty exciting. It's like discovering a new vegetable that never existed before! I've exhausted my creative talent on things like carrots, and zucchini, but Brussels sprouts are uncharted territory. My best invention to date has been an Italian style Stromboli/ pizza thing with fresh tomatoes, smoked mozzarella, pesto, pepperoni, and sauteed Brussels sprouts. D-lish!

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