

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Shooting potatoes in the Nevada desert.
There has been a lot of talk on the news about gun control since the tragic shooting that occurred at Sand Hill Elementary School. I never really thought too much about it before, but it seems like every week now there is some "breaking story" on the news about a mad gunman entering a populated place, whether it be a mall, school, or movie theater, and opening fire. It's frightening.
To many this seems to be all the more reason to get a gun themselves. After all it's one of our rights as American citizens. And what better way to protect yourself from getting shot than shooting someone else first right? I can see their point, I really can, and I understand the fear that makes you want to do whatever you can to protect yourself and those you love.
But I don't think it is a solution. And what I mean by that is I don't think that there will be less school/mall shootings if every American went out and bought a gun. I think in addition to the same amount of tragic public shootings, there will be an increase in accidental deaths, and more tragedies on the news. I think more innocent people will be killed not less.
It might sound like I am totally anti-gun. That's not true though. I don't really have a problem with guns themselves. I just have a problem with some of the people using them, and the fact that those dangerous people somehow keep getting access to them. I go shooting. I am extremely paranoid about safety when I do (i.e. keeping the safety on, making sure the guns are unloaded when we are done, NEVER pointing it in any direction of a person, always announcing when and where I am shooting etc.), but I've actually really enjoyed all the times I've gone (I still go out once a year or so). It's challenging and fun sport to try to hit a target (soda can/ rotten fruit) a hundred feet away. Especially when the gun kicks and you have to adjust your aim to account for it, and distance and wind direction and all of that. And I've used a lot of different guns. Rifles, 22's, various hand guns including a glock, two different revolvers, and a shotgun. (The 22 is my favorite because it's light, doesn't kick, and it the easiest to aim). I've never killed anything with a gun though, nor have I ever even tried hunting. But I don't really have an ethical problem with the idea of hunting or guns, especially when you think about how important they were in the past as a means of providing food for your family.
But while I really enjoy targeting a spray-painted potato on a barren hillside in the middle of the desert, I still think that more active measures of gun control is a good idea. And I'd vote for it. I think I'd be willing to give up my right to fun afternoon of target practice if it meant there was less chance that elementary school kinds would suffer the fate of those at Sandy Hill. It is just my opinion, but I think the less guns there are in the general population the better. Even more strict rules and regulations would help.
I know the Second Amendment of the Constitution says each of us  have a right to bear arms. It was added to ensure that each person would always be provided the opportunity to protect themselves and their family. And I completely agree with that. I just think that "bearing arms" may not be the best way to protect ourselves anymore. I know I have the right to have a gun, but I am choosing not to. Not because of what I would do with it, but because of what others might. Anyway, that's my two cents on the matter.

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