

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Oh Crafty Me!

A while back I was looking for a wallet that could hold my expensive $1.99 calendar/planner, and some other items I have floating around in my purse. I despise a messy purse, and try to clean mine out completely at leas once a week. The thing was I couldn't find anything that wasn't either too big or too small, too wide or not wide enough. So I decided to make one. I found a video on YouTube, found some fabric that I had (yes, it's a Christmas print) and pulled out my sewing machine. It took about 15 minutes to measure, cut and attach interfacing, and about 5 minutes to actually sew. That was it. In twenty minutes I'd made myself a little wallet. And it came out pretty great I thought for my first try! The print is a little askew, but that's how it was when I bought it (it was .50 cents a yard I believe). Pretty sweet hu?

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