

Monday, September 23, 2013

Christmas in...September!

As many of you know, I am obsessed with Christmas. But as many of you also know, I usually try to hold off until after Thanksgiving to give into my urges of merry tidings and good cheer. And that was my strategy for this year as well except that good old Mother Nature had another plan. We were minding our own business, driving home from our camping trip when the rain became hail...then became....SNOW!
Can you believe it? Here we are in September, and here I've been trying my best to keep my holiday spirit at in check, when all of the sudden it starts to snow! And oh my goodness, let me tell you! I'm not talking about a couple of sissy flurries. No. I'm talking about a full on, no expense spared, honest-to-god snowstorm!!! Woohoo! It was so beautiful I could hardly stand it!
In my wildest dreams I'd only hoped to see a little fall color on the trees during our trip. But Lady Nature overdid herself, and gave me Christmas in September!
I was lucky in addition because a.) I was not the one driving through the two inches of icy slush on the road, and b.)  my Sweetie had a Christmas album in his CD case. (BTW, this is something anyone who knows me has on hand in case of such emergencies.)
So what did I do? What any other normal person would, I pumped up the volume on The Blenders holiday album, sang along, felt Christmassy all over, and took hundreds of photos of the beautiful storm!!!
I don't believe in miracles, so I don't mean it literally, but it was a Christmas miracle! It's a world record for me too. My first Christmas music in September,!?! Holy cow. And it wasn't even weird, because if you'd been there you would have thought it was the middle of December. How awesome is that? Don't believe me? Throw on a holiday album and take a look at these photos and see if you don't feel like Christmas has come early this year. (BTW I didn't take these in black and white, they are in color, it's just that it was so snowy!)

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