

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Lake and Lexington Harbor

Jumping into Lake Huron!

Growing up in Michigan I never realized how unique and special the Great Lakes are. But each trip home has brought change to my perspective on the matter, until just this past weekend I finally felt in complete awe of the lakes, particularly Lake Huron. Everything about it, the incredible volume of fresh water, the brisk smell (as opposed to salty sea air), the coolness of the water in contrast to the sweltering humidity on land, the million moods of the lake surface in response to the wind, the range of blues and greens, the wildlife both below and above the surface, and a million other tiny details that make it unlike any other place on earth are just...awe inspiring. I am sure the lake has been the same for longer than I've been alive, but if you were to ask me I'd swear that it was more beautiful than it has ever been, and was more refreshing, (like a glass of lemon aid on a hot summer day) to my skin, and to my consciousness as I plunged off the back of the boat. I'd argue that the harbor looked more picturesque than it has in summers past. It might not be true, but that's what I'd say.

The Lexington Harbor
Slalom skiing on Lake Huron!
Swans in Lexington Harbor

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