

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Go Ahead, Introduce Yourself

The next time your sitting in traffic and looking for something to do, instead of flipping through the radio stations or singing off key to your favorite Weezer album, it might be more fun to introduce yourself to the colony of bacteria living in you belly button. According to new research there are 1400 different species of bacteria currently eking out a living in the navels of homo sapiens around the globe. Not all 1400 are in the your belly button (at least I hope not). You probably harbor 40 to 150 independent species. But it's still pretty cool isn't it?The major determinant as to the number of "colonists" residing in your navel has less to do with personal hygiene and more to do with whether you are an "innie" or an "outie". I am pretty sure those aren't technical terms although they should be, because I for one would totally read an article in Science if the words innie, and outie were in the title followed by a a long list of authors with PhD's.
Not that anyone cares, but personally I am an "innie". I definitely get it from my dad's side of the family. Or maybe just my dad....Hmmm...
For a more factual account of Middle Waist ecosystems read here.
VIVA LOS TRES B'S!!!! (Belly Button Bacteria)

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