

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Meet Braylon

My fish Braylon Edwards.
I finally got a pet! What I wanted was a border collie, but what I got was a fish. Not that I am complaining, fish are great. My last fish, Dennis (who has now become my olive tree Dennis) was pretty great. Anyway this time I opted for a Beta Fish. They are less maintenance, and best of all they fit in my wine bottle. Before you get all upset, and start shouting fish abuse, you should know that the wine bottle is HUGE, (the size of three regular ones), AND that he seems to really like it in there.
Anyway, for no reason that would qualify as "good" I named him Braylon Edwards. For those of you that don't know, the original Braylon is a wide receiver in the NFL, and was just recently traded to the San Francisco 49ers. Other than that I don't know much about him (meaning the guy). But you know how sometimes you just look at an animal, or maybe even a baby, and a name just jumps out at you? Well, when I saw my Beta at the bet store the name that popped into my head was Braylon Edwards, so I went with it.

A Beta Fish, painting by me.
I've had him a couple weeks now, and he is a pretty good fish. I got him the best food they had at the pet store (blood worms...eeeewwww) and he seems to dig them. He looks awesome on my kitchen table, and likes to see what's going on. He will follow me around his bottle when I am at the table. He has become a bit of a beggar though. When I'm eating breakfast or dinner he swims back and forth on my side of his bottle and stares at me with his little fishy eyes pleading for a snack. I try not to give in, but it's tough. Anyway next time you are over, don't forget to say hi to him!

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