

Monday, April 23, 2012

Crime at Seaworld

So I just read a short article about 3 Australian guys who got drunk, broke into SEAWORLD (in Australia), swam with the dolphins, and kidnapped a penguin! Apparently they woke up in the morning and found a penguin running around their house and realized that they'd messed up. So they took the penguin and tried to release it into a shark infested waterway. Luckily it survived, and was returned to Seaworld.
I know I should be angry that those guys traumatized a little innocent bird, but I just think the whole thing is hilarious! It's like the scene from the Hangover, when the guys wake up after a night of partying and find a tiger in the bathroom! Ha ha ha....
I know stealing is a crime, and they should be punished, but out of all the stupid things a drunk person could do, breaking into Seaworld and swimming with dolphins has got to be one of the best I've ever heard of. Good one mates!

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