

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Oh San Fran

I had to run up to San Francisco yesterday morning to drop some stuff off for my boss. I feel like every time I head into the City I get lost! Even armed with directions I can never seem to get where I am trying to go! (Ordinarily really good with directions.) Especially around the area of Market Street that runs diagonally across the otherwise grid-like orientation of roads. When you combine the odd angle of that road with the fact that almost every street is a one way, it's near impossible to get anywhere without driving in at least several circles (well more like quadrilaterals). But then you are trying to divide your attention between spotting street signs, one way signs, lights, pedestrians, other vehicles, and taxi cabs, and homeless people with wheel barrows. It's a sensory overload.
I was under a time crunch yesterday to deliver my goods, and after wasting ten minutes trying to figure out how I'd missed my turn, I just decided to park and navigate on foot, figuring not only would it be faster, but safer too. I was only about 5 blocks off it turns out, and I only had to run uphill to get there, and it was only pouring rain, so I guess everything worked out in the end. And I only almost crashed into one homeless man trying to push a wheel barrow with one hand. Yes, it was another classic "me" adventure in San Fran.

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