

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I'm Sick :(

I caught a cold. And while it's certainly not the end of the world, it does put quite a damper on things. My throat is all scratchy and my nose is all runny. Anyway, as soon as I got home from work yesterday I put on my pj's and best warm socks, made a pot of "sleepy" tea (i.e. chamomile/mint/lemongrass etc.). Then I made myself a little cocoon out of the chenille blankets on the couch, got my box of Kleenex and watched Horton Hears a Who. I was really craving a bit of comfort food, and I was trying to decide between macaroni and cheese, and grilled cheese (which is usually my favorite when I'm sick) and I came up with a brilliant idea. Why not make a grilled macaroni and cheese sandwich? That way my poor little sick brain wouldn't have to decide on one or the other.
I didn't have any mac and cheese at home but the BF brought some home from work, and what a treat! I generally stay away from bread, pasta, processed cheese, and butter, but OMG is it yummy together! I only made a half sandwich (so I wouldn't feel as guilty later:), and it wasn't pretty enough to photograph, but trust me it was delicious! The only improvement I could think of was if I'd had a cup of tomato soup to dip it in.
So next time you find yourself feeling under the weather, try one! It sure made me feel better!

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