

Monday, November 26, 2012


This year I had a relatively quiet Thanksgiving. Just me, Mom and my Sweetie. He decided to go play soccer with a bunch of his friends so that left me with the morning free. So I went for a really nice run outside. I haven't done that in a while. Run outside I mean. The weather was warm and sunny and very summery, but it at least looked like fall. The leaves (well, some of them anyway) are falling, and while there is still a lot of green, there are  some really spectacular burst of color here and there. And along N. Santa Cruz Ave, by the grocery store there are these really huge trees, with equally huge brown leaves that crunch under my feet when I run over them. And it's quite breathtaking when a big gust of wind rustles the branches and the leaves spin and fall all around.
I cooked my second turkey, and am pleased to announce that I cooked it the right-side-up. I may have mentioned this before, but it has always seemed counter intuitive to me to lay the bird on it's back. At any rate, I thought long and hard about it before setting it in the pan, and managed to do it correctly. I also made a few other sides, potato stuffing (a brilliant recipe that I acquired from my old roommate), and green beans. Mom brought over pilaf (my Pepere Joe's recipe) and a kale salad, and a pumpkin pie.
I watched football, and was very disappointed to see the Lions loose. I really wanted them to win. And that was pretty much it. Like I said, it was quiet, but nice;) Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving too!

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