

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Christmas In July

It happens to me every year! And right around this time too. In the dead heat of July. I get in this mood where I am wistful, and sad and long for Christmas, and rain, and windy, cloudy, days, and football, and long evenings by the fire, and holiday music playing everywhere! I spend all my time daydreaming about it, and everything seems to remind me of it. The store where I bought my cowboy Santa ornament, the scrap of wrapping paper I found under the couch when I was vacuuming , a funny line from a well loved Christmas classic that I recently recalled, the Reeses peanut butter cup that I just found in the snack drawer of my desk! Oh how I miss Christmas!!! And it's still so far away! There are still 167 days, nine hours and forty-one minutes left until that moment when Christmas Eve becomes Christmas Day. That's almost like...forever!
I'm not trying to say that I hate summer, or July, or anything like that, I am just saying that I miss Christmas. I miss Santa, and snowmen, and twinkly lights. I miss baking cookies, and wrapping presents, and humming holiday tunes. I miss my reindeer slippers, and candy canes, and having the family around to celebrate....
I miss Christmas so much I actually re-folded all my holiday tissue paper the other day....and listened to my Jingle Bells CD in my car on the way to Trader Joes...
Am I the only one afflicted by this sad state of affairs?! Well, on the bright side (if there is one) I guess now there are only 167 days, nine hours and thirty-eight minutes left! Woo hoo! Until then...

Let me be the first to wish you a Merry Christmas!

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