

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy (Late) 4th of July!

You can't get more American than this!
I meant to take some time to write yesterday, unfortunately it was at the bottom of my list. And I have too many closets. I spent the morning at the gym, and then decided to tackle a chore I've been wanting to do, but dreading at the same and organizing our apartment! It's so tiny you wouldn't think it wouldn't be a big chore, but I have so much...stuff hidden away that the task was really quite formidable. So I spent the afternoon cleaning, and organizing, and drinking beer (American beer;) and listening to music and singing along. It was actually pretty fun!
But I decided I wasn't being patriotic enough....I mean it's the 4th of July! So I ran to the store and got a pack of hot dogs and buns, and made some potato salad. It was a gorgeous day outside and as I ate my classic fare, I thought about how lucky I am to live here, and to have the rights and freedoms that go along with that. And I realized, it was a wonderful day to be an American too.
Happy (late) 4th of July everyone!

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