

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

What in the World?

So my BF and I went for a walk downtown on Saturday and somehow found ourselves behind this guy, who had....well, we are still not sure what exactly, hanging out of the back of his shorts. I don't have much experience in identifying man thongs (lol neither does my BF), but I think that's what this was. I have no idea why it was on the outside of his shorts, or how it was staying put there, and I couldn't (and wouldn't want to) even hazard a guess as to how they got there in the first place. But what else could it be? Some kind of new belt? Or a really poorly constucted fanny bag? There was an air of mystery surrounding it for sure, and unfortunately that mystery was never solved. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I will venture a guess - it's his girlfriends underwear tucked out of sight (he thought)that he's forgotten about. For some reason (I can think of several) he had to get rid of it quickly and that's what he came up with.
