

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Is This for Real?

Has anyone else heard about the woman from Pennsylvania who is accused of murdering five infants she had out of wedlock and hiding them in the closet of her own home? I know I say this a lot but WTF? And get this, apparently neither her husband, lover, or 19 year old daughter realized she was pregnant and then not pregnant five times! Oh, and she was a nurse which makes you think she might have realized birth control would be a much simpler solution than infanticide. Incidentally nobody where she worked seemed to notice she was pregnant either. How could she possibly have sex with her lover (or her husband for that matter) and they not notice she is freaking pregnant!?! Is that even possible? What did she say? "Oh, I accidentally ate a bowling ball..." I can't decide who is more stupid that women, or the men in her life. Honestly.
It makes me sick those babies were killed, especially when there are so many people who want babies and can't have them. But maybe they were better off not being alive to suffer through what I am sure would have been a long and hard childhood with that sorry excuse of a woman.
I can hardly believe that things like this happen and people like this exist. Why couldn't she just give them away of she didn't want them? I've seen horror movies less scary than what this woman has done. 

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more. On a similarly horrifying note, I read about a young mother (either 19 or 21, I can't remember which) who accidentally shook her infant to death because he was interrupting her "Farmville" time. (if you don't know what Farmville is, it is a game on Facebook where you build a farm...that is all) Disgusting!
