

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

iPhone 4...Million

I recently got a new phone. The super new iPhone 4! This is the first time I have ever been at the cutting edge of the technological world. And I hate to admit it but I think my new phone might just be smarter than I am. It knows if I have new email, what the weather will be like tomorrow, how my stocks are doing, and what the score is of every major spot on the planet. It has a library, and music store and can play videos. It can take photos and movies and do video conferencing. In fact the only thing I can do that it can't is open a bottle of wine! And who knows, maybe there is an app for that and I just haven't found it yet. I sometimes even forget it's a phone! It will start ringing and I think "What the...OH...that's right, it receives telephone calls too...neato".
My old phone was a Archosaur (they lived before the dinosaurs). It's coolest feature was that it flipped open, and maybe that it was called a "Razor" which sounds pretty neat. So when I first got my iPhone it was shocking. I mean I went from a phone that saved all my voicemails and delivered them about once a week (or whenever it felt like it), to a phone that works better than my PC! At first it was a little overwhelming. I was reminded of what I feel like when I go to an arcade and try to play video games. I end up just pushing a lot of buttons, getting overly excited and hoping something cool happens on the screen. Then I spend hours of my life trying to figure out how I did those cool things...
But after a couple days I began to get the hang of it. I downloaded apps, and set up my voice mail, and email and all that good stuff. I avoided the whole "antenna problem" by getting a case, and I have to say my phone works great! To date I have begun reading a book from my iBook library, I have watched Sports Center and checked my email...all from the comfort of my own toilet...ha ha ha...just kidding:) I could though if I wanted to.
It's great for looking up recipes while at the grocery store, and checking movie listings, and kind of feels like having an external hard drive for my brain. Grocery lists and writing down directions? Pu-leeeze! That is so old-school!
I don't like that I am so technology dependent, but I figure if I have to be I may as well really take it for all it's worth. And that is what the iPhone 4 specializes in. It's like the iPhone 3 suddenly thought to itself "Why just do when you can over-do?" And thus a new generation in ridiculous awesomeness was born.

P.S. This post is dedicated to my brother Jonathon, who foot the bill for the up-grade from 3 to 4! Thanks Boy!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. There is a Happy Hour app that accesses your location and then gives you the nearest happy hours, what their specials are and how long they go till ... just thought you should know :)
