

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Why'd You Do It Johnny?

(AP Photo/Jim Prisching)

Johnny Jolly # 97 and one of the defensive ends in the Packers #2 defense in the league last season has been suspended by the NFL for a year. This is due to the fact that he was arrested last year in Houston with dealer quantities of codeine on him. (Codeine is what they put in cough syrup...I don't even know why you would take it recreationally-anyone?)
It makes you wonder. We, or I do anyway, think we would be happy if only we had ______. Fill in the blank. It could be money, or job security, or a family, or a long vacation, or a better body. But what if that just isn't true? Jolly had a great football career, he had a great season last year. He had plenty of money and fans, but apparently it wasn't enough. It seems so stupid to us, but somehow it made sense to him (and many other athletes in the same position). Why would he risk it all for cough syrup (or the equivalent)?
We all think if we had some great thing we would never let it go. But look at all the people who seem to have everything, and then they go and screw it up for no good reason. I am not saying I would do the same thing as they did, but how exactly would I know that I wouldn't? At any rate I hope not.
I guess people are stupid on occasion no matter what their circumstances are. And all of us want more even if the rest of the world thinks we have everything. It's human nature I guess.
Well, he will have the whole football season (maybe longer) to think about all of that. I'll tell you what, Johnny ain't so Jolly now.

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