

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

It's a Miracle!

"It's a miracle!" I shouted silently to myself the other day as I exited Whole Foods. What had I done that was so miraculous? Well, not only do I own a re-usable grocery bag, but it was in my car as I headed to the store, and I finally remembered to bring it into the store with me to use at the check out!!!! Holy canoli right!?! And as an added bonus at Whole Foods they give you a 5 cent refund for each bag you bring in and use! Isn't that neato? (I donated my nickel to "Canter", a non-profit group that is working with Whole Foods to provide housing and care for retired race horses.) Gosh golly, I just felt like a million bucks. I felt like a good citizen when the cashier asked "Paper or plastic?" and I said "Oh, neither. I have my own bag right here in my purse!" I felt like I was saving the environment and helping a fellow mammal. All because of a nylon grocery bag! Hopefully this is the beginning of a new trend for me:)

As a side note, I got to wondering about what is worse to use paper or plastic bags. It turns out that they are equally bad for the environment, but in different ways. So to argue against plastic in favor of paper bags is just ignorant. For just a few interesting facts about paper bags check out this website.

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