

Monday, May 14, 2012

Now That's Power!

I was just looking through my notes on particle physics and came a cross a paragraph I'd highlighted, and thought it was interesting enough to re-type here. It is addressing the reason why (remember we are talking about physics here) antimatter is so interesting not only to science, but also to science fiction writers. (If you recall the U.S.S. Enterprise is powered by antimatter;) The last bit is the most interesting. I had no idea how almost totally inefficient all our methods of producing energy are...

"The glamorous nature of antimatter has given rise to the science fiction notion that it may solve the energy crisis. Indeed, a kilogram (2.2 pounds) of antimatter would provide enough energy to keep the United States going for a day. This is because the entire mass of the antiproton (plus the proton it takes with it to total anihilation) is converted to energy via E=mc2. In the burning of coal or oil only one billionth of the mass is converted to energy. In fission reactors this number is 0.1 percent, and the long -awaited fusion energy supply (don't hold your breath!) it is about0.5 percent."

Taken form The God Particle by Leon Lederman.

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