

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Happy Leap Day!

For all of you "lucky" enough to be born on Leap day happy birthday!
I have known since I was a kid that a leap year occurs every 4 years, but I didn't know that they only occur in years that are divisible by four as decreed by Pope Gregory the....some Roman numeral. I also didn't realize that a normal year is actually 365. 242199....days long. I thought it was only 365.25, which makes sense because then every four years would equal another full day. But it turns out those extra numbers to the right of the decimal place have consequences. Rounding up to .25 creates about 3 additional days every 400 years that need to be accommodated. For that reason only 1 of 4 century years is considered a leap year (because the other 3 each absorb one of the three extra days), and that century leap day too must be divisible by four (i.e. 1600, 2000). It seems so complicated doesn't it? It must have been an interesting conversation. This is how I think it went down.

SCENE: Julius Caesar sitting with his chief science guy at Panis (Roman precursor of Panera) having a cappuccino and talking.

Caesar: Hey, so here's the problem. Because of our 355 day calendar, all my holidays are getting cheesed up. I can't plan anything on a regular schedule.

Science Guy: I'm not sure I follow.

Caesar: For example, I have a standing reservation with my caterers -you know the ones I stole from Pompey the Great? That's why he hates me so much by the way... Anyway I have them booked for December 21st of every year, for my big Saturnalia bash but the calendar is messing everything up! It fell in October this year, can you believe that? And my big Spring Equinox party -you know the one where we all get wasted on Two-Denarius-Chuck and make up constellations? Yeah- that is now falling in the middle of's an unmitigated disaster.

Science Guy: I see. Hmmm...let me think...well, if we make the year 365 days that might keep everything in order...

Caesar: Or if we could just make our orbit a little closer to the sun....

Science Guy: Nope, we still think the earth is the center of the universe remember.

Caesar: Oh, right sorry. I was never into science...Too geeky for offense..

Science Guy: None taken..Oh wait....365 that leaves us with an extra day every four that won' see the math here..?

Caesar: Math shmath....just...add it onto February. It's a short month anyway, it could use an extra day.

Science Guy: I don't know....if I'm doing the calculations right that also actually leaves us with an extra 3 days every four hundred years...

Caesar: But I thought you just said we were short a day? Now we have too many? Make up your mind...Are you sure you went to college? It wasn't an on-line one was it? Just leave it and let someone else figure it out in 400 years. We'll be dead by then anyway.

Science Guy: I don't know Caesar, that doesn't sound very responsible. How about we say that only one out of every,  four century years will be a leap year too, so...that way the other three will absorb the 3 extra days created by adding an additional day every four years...carry the one...yes! 

Caesar: Yawn. I can't believe I pay you for this. Bottom line though, will my schedule with my caterer and DJ work out to be the same time every year?

Science Guy: Yes.

Caesar: Cool. OK. Do it...Make it so...or whatever.


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