

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

San Diego Style Burritos

I was watching Diners, Drive-In's and Dives the other day and the host Guy was down in San Diego having something called a "San Diego style" burrito. Basically it's a burrito with french fries in it instead of rice and beans. Brilliant! I decided I needed to try it out. I made my own version of it (like I do with almost every recipe) and it was pretty delish! How good, you wonder? Well, my Sweetie-Pie ate three of them! LOL. Yep that's right!
So what went into these delicious tortilla wrapped bundles of joy? Lots of onions, some leftover marinated grilled chicken, and a few spices (garlic salt, Mexican oregano, cumin, cayanne...i.e.whatever you have laying around) fried in a pan on the stove, pico de gallo from Chili's (what? I was too lazy to make my own), garlic fries from Trader Joes, avocado, shredded cheese, real Mexican sour cream (like it was made there and sent to my BF from his dad!), and a splash of La Vic "orange" Sauce (don't know whats in it but its vegan, and so delicious!). Yum-E!
I didn't take a picture of it, since it just looks a...burrito and you can't see inside, but trust me it was super good! Don't get me wrong, I love the NorCal burritos too, pretty much any kind of burrito actually, but a burrito with french fries in it? Shoot. That's like having your cake and eating it too.
So next time you don't know what to make for dinner, give these southern California treats a try;)

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