

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Not a Little Grill Anymore

Our new BBQ

We finally got an adult-sized BBQ grill! (I had a little apartment sized one for a long time, but our meat grilling needs outgrew was a great "starter" grill though!)
Ready to grill!
Along with owning a full set of keys, having a credit card, and having things on your shopping list like laundry soap and asparagus, owning a grill is one of the sure ways to tell you have finally entered adulthood. I feel so grown up! I mean I actually (well, we;) own one of those giant propane tanks that every BBQ has and everything! I must have stood for ten minutes out on the patio staring at it, and wondering at how fast time flies...It seems like only yesterday that I would have been denied access to propane, and matches, especially at the same time. Now here I am suddenly and not only can I buy a barbecue, but I can also rent a houseboat, gamble in casinos, get a tattoo, eat Fruity Pebbles cereal for dinner, or dye my hair purple if I wanted! Geez, I'm getting old!
Dinner is served.
Anyway, this past Friday I went to the grocery store and got pretty much one of every kind of meat they had on sale, and decided to do some grilling. I cooked lamb, shish-kabobs and chicken this weekend and it was all so delish! In addition I also grilled a bunch of vegetables and made Greek salad, fruit salad, and three kinds of ice cream!....It was a busy weekend, and a super yummy one!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats. Be safe. (You're still young as long as there is an older person telling you to be safe...)
