

Monday, June 4, 2012

Rainy Days and Mondays

I can't believe it! It's raining outside! That rarely happens this late in the spring here, but weather doesn't care about things like that.
It's not pouring or anything, in fact it's barely sprinkling, but it's enough to scent the air with a sweet dampness, and make long for Christmas time.
You might not believe me, but the air sometimes smells like maple syrup when it rains like this. It's only ever happened here in California, and usually only once or twice a year. I guess it must just be pine sap and something else mixing together, but I haven't been able to discover it's source yet. It is more of a late spring/early summer phenomenon, and so maybe it has something to do with cooling of hot trees or the soaking of pine needles and flowers on the dry earth ? It's...delicious, and such a lovely way for the air to smell. It's fresh and cozy all at the same time.
It's also cooler than it has been, and so I am gently held captive by nostalgic thoughts of baking cookies, wrapping presents and the holidays.
If I could explain how this morning feels it's like having the window cracked in the kitchen while eating fluffy pancakes on a rainy Christmas happy.

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