

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Venus Transit

I was able to capture a few photo's of Venus this afternoon as it crossed in front of the sun.  It was really neat. These celestial gymnastics will not occur again until 2117, so I wanted to make sure I caught it. Once again my camera performed awesomely. The reason the photos are red is because I used every filter I had to try to cut down the brightness, including my red filter. I also put the brightness all the way down to the darkest it would go. Even then I had to wait  for the sun to go behind the clouds a little so it wasn't so bright in order to see tiny Venus. For the last couple photos (the one above and the last two) I discovered if I used my hand or a piece of paper to shade the lens just the right amount I could see Venus. It's always a bit of an experiment when I try photographing new things. The above is my clearest photo, I think you can even make out a few sun spots! But some of the shots with clouds looked more artistic and pretty cool too. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Those pictures are beautiful. It is amazing to witness such a cosmic event. Galileo would have been proud of you!
